Changelog FreshBackMac
v1.9.2 December 24, 2020
1. Bug fix for view desktop feature support in macOS Big Sur.
v1.9.1 December 24, 2020
1. Bug fix for false notification for unsupported url.
v1.9 December 24, 2020
1. Added Flickr source with support for search, albums and galleries.
2. Removed Unsplash because wallpaper apps are against their API terms.
3. Added 'Shot by Arkanath' source.
v1.8 Jan 24, 2019
1. Removed 500px because they have discontinued their API.
2. Fixed Unsplash Sources.
v1.7 Jun 22, 2016
1. Added the option for choosing more than one categories.
v1.6 Feb 27, 2016
1. Fixed issue for the app getting locked in greyed out mode, unlocks after 60 seconds now.
2. Fixed bug when app gives error due to network connection when laptop wakes from sleep.
3. Fixed some issues with the source wikipedia paintings.
4. Added new source for search queries through Pixabay!
5. Now errors are displayed as notification alerts, instead of error dialogs.
v1.5 Jan 13, 2016
1. Auto-Refresh now shows last refresh time and time to next refresh.
2. 1 day and 1 week Auto-Refresh times added.
3. Added global shortcut for New Wallpaper.
4. Feature to refresh wallpaper when wake pc from sleep.
5. Removed NSFW content for 500px and Pixabay.
6. Img copy creates a new file in case one already exists with the name.
7. Bug Fixes.
v1.4 Jan 11, 2016
1. Fixed bug where wallpaper doesn't change for multiple monitors.
2. Added feature to copy cached image file.
v1.3 Jan 07, 2016
1. Added new source themoviedb(TMDb) for movie wallpapers with 4 categories: Popular and Top Movies and TV.
2. As informed by some users, the wallpaper change at every launch is annoying. This is fixed.
3. Some minor bug fixes.
v1.2 Jan 04, 2016
1. Fixed visibility issue in menubar for OS X dark mode.
2. Fixed refresh dock (causing un-minimizing of all applications).
3. The app now saves user preferences which are restored at every launch.
4. Included 12 hours time for auto-refresh.
5. The app now doesn't update the wallpaper at launch if auto-update is turned off.